Les messages privés (mp/)

Module situé dans zds/mp/.

Modèles (models.py)

class zds.mp.models.PrivatePost(*args, **kwargs)

A private post written by an user.


URL of a single PrivatePost object.

Retourne:PrivatePost object URL
Type retourné:str

Check if the user given is the author of the message.

Paramètres:user – Potential author of the message.
Retourne:true if the user is the author.

Check if the current message is the last one of its private topic.

Paramètres:private_topic – Potential private topic of the message.
Retourne:true if the current message is the last.
class zds.mp.models.PrivateTopic(*args, **kwargs)

Topic private, containing private posts.


Check if there just one participant in the conversation (PrivateTopic).

Retourne:True if there just one participant in PrivateTopic
Type retourné:bool

Get the first answer in the PrivateTopic written by topic’s author, if exists.

Retourne:PrivateTopic object first answer (PrivatePost)
Type retourné:PrivatePost object or None

Get the first PrivatePost the user has unread.

Paramètres:user (User object) – The user is reading the PrivateTopic. If None, the current user is used.
Retourne:first PrivatePost unread
Type retourné:PrivatePost object or None

URL of a single PrivateTopic object.

Retourne:PrivateTopic object URL
Type retourné:str

Get the last answer in the PrivateTopic written by topic’s author, if exists.

Retourne:PrivateTopic object last answer (PrivatePost)
Type retourné:PrivatePost object or None

Get the number of private posts in a single PrivateTopic object.

Retourne:number of post in PrivateTopic object
Type retourné:int

Check if the user given is the author of the private topic.

Paramètres:user – User given.
Retourne:true if the user is the author.

Check if the user given is in participants or author of the private topic.

Paramètres:user – User given.
Retourne:true if the user is in participants

Check if an user has never read the current PrivateTopic.

Paramètres:user (User object) – an user as Django User object. If None, the current user is used.
Retourne:True if the PrivateTopic was never read
Type retourné:bool

Get the last PrivatePost the user has read.

Paramètres:user (User object) – The user is reading the PrivateTopic. If None, the current user is used.
Retourne:last PrivatePost read
Type retourné:PrivatePost object or None

PrivateTopic doesn’t have a slug attribute of a private topic. To be compatible with older private topic, the slug is always re-calculate when we need one. :return: title slugify.

class zds.mp.models.PrivateTopicRead(*args, **kwargs)

Small model which keeps track of the user viewing private topics.

It remembers the topic he looked and what was the last private Post at this time.

zds.mp.models.is_privatetopic_unread(privatetopic, user=None)

Check if a private topic has been read by an user since it last post was added.

  • privatetopic (PrivateTopic object) – a PrivateTopic to check
  • user (User object) – an user as Django User object. If None, the current user is used

True if the PrivateTopic was never read

Type retourné:


zds.mp.models.mark_read(privatetopic, user=None)

Mark a private topic as read for the user.

  • privatetopic (PrivateTopic object) – a PrivateTopic to check
  • user (User object) – an user as Django User object. If None, the current user is used

nothing is returned

Type retourné:


Vues (views.py)

class zds.mp.views.PrivatePostAnswer(**kwargs)

Creates a post to answer on a MP.


alias de PrivatePost

class zds.mp.views.PrivatePostEdit(**kwargs)

Edits a post on a MP.

class zds.mp.views.PrivatePostList(**kwargs)

Display a thread and its posts using a pager.

class zds.mp.views.PrivateTopicEdit(**kwargs)

Update mp informations


alias de PrivateTopic

class zds.mp.views.PrivateTopicLeaveDetail(**kwargs)

Leaves a MP.

class zds.mp.views.PrivateTopicLeaveList(**kwargs)

Leaves a list of MP.

class zds.mp.views.PrivateTopicList(**kwargs)

Displays the list of private topics of a member given.

class zds.mp.views.PrivateTopicNew(**kwargs)

Creates a new MP.