Les utilitaires (utils/)

Module situé dans zds/utils/. Il regroupe certaines fonctions et objets utiles à tout les autres modules.

Modèles (models.py)

class zds.utils.models.Alert(*args, **kwargs)

Alerts on all kinds of Comments and PublishedContents.


Used to retrieve comment URLs (simple call to get_absolute_url doesn’t work: objects are retrived as Comment and not subclasses) As real Comment implementation (subclasses) can’t be hard-coded due to unresolvable import loops, use InheritanceManager from django-model- utils.

solve(moderator, resolve_reason=u'', msg_title=u'', msg_content=u'')

Solve alert and send a PrivateTopic to the alert author if a reason is given

Paramètres:resolve_reason (str) – reason
class zds.utils.models.Category(*args, **kwargs)

Common category for several concepts of the application.

class zds.utils.models.CategorySubCategory(*args, **kwargs)

ManyToMany between Category and SubCategory but save a boolean to know if category is his main category.

class zds.utils.models.Comment(*args, **kwargs)

Comment in forum, articles, tutorial, chapter, etc.


Get the list of the users that disliked this Comment


Get the list of the users that liked this Comment


Get a user vote (like, dislike or neutral)


Get the non-anonymous votes

hide_comment_by_user(user, text_hidden)

Hide a comment and save it

  • user – the user that hid the comment
  • text_hidden – the hide reason

set_user_vote(user, vote)

Set a user vote (like, dislike or neutral)

class zds.utils.models.CommentEdit(*args, **kwargs)

Archive for editing a comment.

class zds.utils.models.CommentVote(*args, **kwargs)

Set of comment votes.

class zds.utils.models.Hat(*args, **kwargs)

Hats are labels that users can add to their messages. Each member can be allowed to use several hats. It can be used for exemple to allow members to identify that a moderation message was posted by a staff member.

class zds.utils.models.HatRequest(*args, **kwargs)

A hat requested by a user.

class zds.utils.models.HelpWriting(*args, **kwargs)

Tutorial Help

class zds.utils.models.Licence(*args, **kwargs)

Publication licence.

class zds.utils.models.SubCategory(*args, **kwargs)

Common subcategory for several concepts of the application.


Get the parent of the category.

Retourne:the parent category.
Type retourné:Category
class zds.utils.models.Tag(*args, **kwargs)

Set of tags.

zds.utils.models.image_path_category(instance, filename)

Return path to an image.

zds.utils.models.image_path_help(instance, filename)

Return path to an image.

Forums (forums.py)

zds.utils.forums.create_topic(request, author, forum, title, subtitle, text, tags='', related_publishable_content=None)

create topic in forum


Extract tags from title. In a title, tags can be set this way: > [Tag 1][Tag 2] There is the real title Rules to detect tags: - Tags are enclosed in square brackets. This allows multi-word tags instead of hashtags. - Tags can embed square brackets: [Tag] is a valid tag and must be written [[Tag]] in the raw title - All tags must be declared at the beginning of the title. Example: _”Title [tag]”_ will not create a tag. - Tags and title correctness (example: empty tag/title detection) is not checked here :param title: The raw title :return: A tuple: (the tag list, the title without the tags).

Messages privés (mps.py)

zds.utils.mps.send_message_mp(author, n_topic, text, send_by_mail=True, direct=False, with_hat='')

Send a post in an MP. Most of the param are obvious, excepted : * direct : send a mail directly without mp (ex : ban members who wont connect again) * leave : the author leave the conversation (usefull for the bot : it wont read the response a member could send)

zds.utils.mps.send_mp(author, users, title, subtitle, text, send_by_mail=True, leave=True, direct=False, mark_as_read=False, with_hat='')

Send MP at members. Most of the param are obvious, excepted : * direct : send a mail directly without mp (ex : ban members who wont connect again) * leave : the author leave the conversation (usefull for the bot : it wont read the response a member could send)

Les processeurs de contexte (context_processor.py)

La doc de Django explique le principe des context_processors comme suit :

Un processeur de contexte possède une interface très simple : ce n’est qu’une fonction Python acceptant un paramètre, un objet HttpRequest, et renvoyant un dictionnaire qui est ensuite ajouté au contexte de gabarit. Chaque processeur de contexte doit renvoyer un dictionnaire.

Les processeurs de contexte personnalisés peuvent se trouver n’importe où dans le code. Tout ce que Django demande, c’est que le réglage TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS contienne le chemin vers le processeur personnalisé.

(pour plus de détails, voir la documenation de Django à ce sujet)


A context processor with all APP settings.


Get the git version of the site.


A context processor to include the git version on all pages.

Utilitaires pour formulaires (forms.py)

class zds.utils.forms.TagValidator

validate tags


Check the length is in correct range. See Tag.label max length to have the true upper bound.

Paramètres:tag – the tag lavel to validate
Retourne:True if length is valid

validate a string composed as tag1,tag2.

Paramètres:raw_string (basestring) – the string to be validate. If None this is considered as a empty str.
Retourne:True if raw_string is fully valid, False if at least one error appears. See self.errors to get all internationalized error.

Same as validate_raw_string but with a list of tag labels.

Retourne:True if v is fully valid, False if at least one error appears. See self.errors

to get all internationalized error.


Checks the tag does not contain utf8mb4 chars.

Retourne:True if no utf8mb4 string is found

Autres (misc.py)


returns a md5 hexdigest of group of files to check if they have change


This string contains at least one character of more than 3 bytes


Converts a name in camel case to underscore.

zds.utils.misc.has_changed(instance, field, manager='objects')

Returns true if a field has changed in a model May be used in a model.save() method.