Les tutoriels v2 (ZEP12) (tutorialv2/)

Module situé dans zds/tutorialv2/.

Modèles (models/)

Modèles de la base de donnée (models_database.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.ContentReaction(*args, **kwargs)

A comment written by any user about a PublishableContent they just read.


Find the url to the reaction

Retourne:the url of the comment
Type retourné:str
class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.ContentRead(*args, **kwargs)

Small model which keeps track of the user viewing tutorials.

It remembers the PublishableContent they read and what was the last Note at that time.

save(force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)

Save this model but check that if we have not a related note it is because the user is content author.

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.FakeChapter(chapter, main_container, parent_id)

A simple class that is used by ES to index chapters, constructed from the containers.

In mapping, this class defines PublishedContent as its parent. Also, indexing is done by the parent.

Note that this class is only indexable, not updatable, since it does not maintain value of es_already_indexed

get_es_document_as_bulk_action(index, action=u'index')

Overridden to handle parenting between chapter and PublishedContent

classmethod get_es_mapping()

Define mapping and parenting


alias de PublishedContent

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.PickListOperation(id, content, operation, operation_date, version, staff_user, canceler_user, is_effective)
cancel(canceler, autosave=True)

Cancel a decision :param canceler: staff user :param autosave: if True saves the modification

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.PublishableContent(*args, **kwargs)

A publishable content.

A PublishableContent retains metadata about a content in database, such as

  • authors, description, source (if the content comes from another website), subcategory, tags and licence ;
  • Thumbnail and gallery ;
  • Creation, publication and update date ;
  • Public, beta, validation and draft sha, for versioning ;
  • Comment support ;
  • Type, which is either “ARTICLE” “TUTORIAL” or “OPINION”

Add all tags contained in tag_collection to this content. If a tag is unknown, it is added to the system. :param tag_collection: A collection of tags. :type tag_collection: list


Check if the user is allowed to post in an tutorial according to the SPAM_LIMIT_SECONDS value.

Paramètres:user – the user to check antispam. If None, current user is used.
Retourne:True if the user is not able to note (the elapsed time is not enough), False otherwise.
Type retourné:bool

ensure all authors subscribe to gallery

Retourne:the first post of a topic, written by topic’s author, if any.
Type retourné:ContentReaction
Retourne:Return the first note the user has unread.
Type retourné:ContentReaction

Get url to send a new PM for collaboration

Paramètres:title (str) – what is going to be in the title of the PM before the name of the content
Retourne:url to the PM creation form
Type retourné:str

NOTE: it’s better to use the version contained in VersionedContent, if possible !

Retourne:absolute URL to the beta version the content
Type retourné:str

NOTE: it’s better to use the version contained in VersionedContent, if possible !

Retourne:absolute URL to the public version the content, if self.public_version is defined
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the last answer in the thread, if any.
Type retourné:ContentReaction|None

Count all the reactions to this content. Warning, if you did not pre process this number, a query will be sent

Retourne:number of notes in the tutorial.
Type retourné:int

Get the path to the tutorial repository

Paramètres:relative – if True, the path will be relative, absolute otherwise.
Retourne:physical path
Type retourné:str

A tutorial is not in beta if sha_beta is None or empty

Retourne:True if the tutorial is in beta, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

A tutorial is not in draft if sha_draft is None or empty

Retourne:True if the tutorial is in draft, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

A tutorial is not in on line if sha_public is None or empty

Retourne:True if the tutorial is on line, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

A tutorial is not in validation if sha_validation is None or empty

Retourne:True if the tutorial is in validation, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Insert some additional data from database in a VersionedContent

Paramètres:versioned – the VersionedContent to fill

Is this version of the content the beta version ?

Paramètres:sha – version
Retourne:True if the tutorial is in beta, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Is this content permanently unpublished by a moderator ?


Is this version of the content the published version ?

Paramètres:sha – version
Retourne:True if the tutorial is in public, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Is this version of the content the validation version ?

Paramètres:sha – version
Retourne:True if the tutorial is in validation, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool
Retourne:the last post the user has read.
Type retourné:ContentReaction
load_version(sha=None, public=None)

Using git, load a specific version of the content. if sha is None, the draft/public version is used (if public is True).


for practical reason, the returned object is filled with information from DB.

  • sha – version
  • public (PublishedContent) – if set with the right object, return the public version
  • BadObject – if sha is not None and related version could not be found
  • IOError – if the path to the repository is wrong
  • NotAPublicVersion – if the sha does not correspond to a public version

the versioned content

Type retourné:


load_version_or_404(sha=None, public=None)

Using git, load a specific version of the content. if sha is None, the draft/public version is used (if public is True).

  • sha – version
  • public (PublishedContent) – if set with the right object, return the public version

Http404 – if sha is not None and related version could not be found


the versioned content

Type retourné:



Delete the entities and their filesystem counterparts


Check if content required a validation before publication. Used to check if JsFiddle is available too.

Retourne:Whether validation is required before publication.
Type retourné:bool
save(*args, **kwargs)

Rewrite the save() function to handle slug uniqueness


wrapper arround self.objects.update

Paramètres:fields – Fields to update
Retourne:modified self
class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.PublishedContent(*args, **kwargs)

A class that contains information on the published version of a content.

Used for quick url resolution, quick listing, and to know where the public version of the files are.

Linked to a PublishableContent for the rest. Don’t forget to add a .prefetch_related('content') !!


wrapper around self.get_absolute_url_to_extra_content('epub')

Retourne:URL to the epub version of the published content
Type retourné:str

wrapper around self.get_absolute_url_to_extra_content('html')

Retourne:URL to the HTML version of the published content
Type retourné:str

wrapper around self.get_absolute_url_to_extra_content('md')

Retourne:URL to the full markdown version of the published content
Type retourné:str

wrapper around self.get_absolute_url_to_extra_content('pdf')

Retourne:URL to the PDF version of the published content
Type retourné:str

Get the url that point to the extra content the user may want to download

Paramètres:type (str) – the type inside allowed_type
Retourne:URL to a given extra content (note that no check for existence is done)
Type retourné:str

wrapper around self.get_absolute_url_to_extra_content('zip')

Retourne:URL to the zip archive of the published content
Type retourné:str

Compute the number of letters for a given content

Paramètres:md_file_path (str) – use another file to compute the number of letter rather than the default one.
Retourne:Number of letters in the md file
Type retourné:int
classmethod get_es_django_indexable(force_reindexing=False)

Overridden to remove must_redirect=True (and prefetch stuffs).


Overridden to handle the fact that most information are versioned

classmethod get_es_indexable(force_reindexing=False)

Overridden to also include chapters

Retourne:path to all the ‘extra contents’
Type retourné:str

Get the size of epub

Retourne:size of file
Type retourné:int

Get the size of a given extra content. Is the size is not in database we get it and store it for next time.

Retourne:size of file
Type retourné:int

Get the size of html

Retourne:size of file
Type retourné:int

Get the size of md

Retourne:size of file
Type retourné:int

Get the size of pdf

Retourne:size of file
Type retourné:int

Get the size of zip

Retourne:size of file
Type retourné:int

Check if the standard epub version of the content is available

Retourne:True if available, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the html version of the content is available

Retourne:True if available, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the markdown version of the content is available

Retourne:True if available, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the pdf version of the content is available

Retourne:True if available, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

check if a given extra content exists

Retourne:True if the file exists, False otherwhise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the standard zip version of the content is available

Retourne:True if available, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool
Type retourné:zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.PublicContent
Retourne:the public content
Retourne:the public content
Type retourné:zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.PublicContent
Lève:Http404 – if the version is not available
class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.Validation(*args, **kwargs)

Content validation.


Check if the content is accepted

Retourne:True if status is accepted, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the content is canceled

Retourne:True if status is canceled, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the validation is pending

Retourne:True if status is pending, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the validation is pending (but there is a validator)

Retourne:True if status is pending/valid, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if the content is rejected

Retourne:True if status is rejected, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

catch the post_delete signal to ensure the deletion of the gallery (otherwise, you generate a loop)

zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.delete_published_content_in_elasticsearch(sender, instance, **kwargs)

Catch the pre_delete signal to ensure the deletion in ES. Also, handle the deletion of the corresponding chapters.

zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.delete_published_content_in_elasticsearch_if_set_to_redirect(sender, instance, **kwargs)

If the slug of the content changes, the must_redirect field is set to True and a new PublishedContnent is created. To avoid duplicates, the previous ones must be removed from ES.

zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.delete_repo(sender, instance, **kwargs)

catch the pre_delete signal to ensure the deletion of the repository if a PublishableContent is deleted

zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.transfer_paternity_receiver(sender, instance, **kwargs)

transfer paternity to external user on user deletion

Modèles “versionnés” (models_versioned.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_versioned.Container(title, slug='', parent=None, position_in_parent=1)

A container, which can have sub-Containers or Extracts.

A Container has a title, a introduction and a conclusion, a parent (which can be None) and a position into this parent (which is 1 by default).

It has also a tree depth.

A container could be either a tutorial/article/opinion, a part or a chapter.

add_container(container, generate_slug=False)

Add a child Container, but only if no extract were previously added and tree depth is < 2.


this function will also raise an Exception if article, because it cannot contain child container

  • container – the new container
  • generate_slug – if True, ask the top container an unique slug for this object

InvalidOperationError – if cannot add container to this one. Please use can_add_container to check this before calling add_container.

add_extract(extract, generate_slug=False)

Add a child container, but only if no container were previously added

  • extract – the new extract
  • generate_slug – if True, ask the top container an unique slug for this object

InvalidOperationError – if cannot add extract to this container.


Add a slug to the slug pool to be taken into account when generate a unique slug

Paramètres:slug – the slug to add
Lève:InvalidOperationErrpr – if the slug already exists
Retourne:True if this container accept child container, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

check that this container can get extract, i.e has no container and is not too deep

Retourne:True if this container accept child extract, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Check if content can be in beta.

Retourne:Whether content is in beta.
Type retourné:bool

Compute an MD5 hash from the introduction and conclusion, for comparison purpose

Retourne:MD5 hash
Type retourné:str
Retourne:url to access the container
Type retourné:str
Retourne:url to access the container in beta
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the ‘online version’ of the url
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the conclusion from the file in self.conclusion
Type retourné:str

The conclusion content for online version.

Retourne:the full text if introduction exists None otherwise
Type retourné:str
Retourne:url to edit the container
Type retourné:str
Retourne:url to edit the container
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the introduction from the file in self.introduction
Type retourné:str

The introduction content for online version.

Retourne:the full text if introduction exists None otherwise
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the position of the last child

Get a word (Part/Chapter/Section) for the container level


this deals with internationalized string

Retourne:The string representation of this level
Type retourné:str

Same as self.get_level_as_string() but try to guess the level of this container’s children

Retourne:The string representation of next level (upper)
Type retourné:str

Get the physical path to the draft version of the container. Note: this function rely on the fact that the top container is VersionedContainer.

Paramètres:relative (bool) – if True, the path will be relative, absolute otherwise.
Retourne:physical path
Type retourné:str

Get the physical path to the public version of the container. If the container have extracts, then it returns the final HTML file.

Paramètres:relative (bool) – return a relative path instead of an absolute one
Retourne:physical path
Type retourné:str

Represent the depth where this container is found Tree depth is no more than 2, because there is 3 levels for Containers :

  • PublishableContent (0),
  • Part (1),
  • Chapter (2)


that max_tree_depth is 2 to ensure that there is no more than 3 levels

Retourne:Tree depth
Type retourné:int

Represent the level in the tree of this container, i.e the depth of its deepest child

Retourne:tree level
Type retourné:int

Generate a slug from title, and check if it is already in slug pool. If it is the case, recursively add a “-x” to the end, where “x” is a number starting from 1. When generated, it is added to the slug pool.

Note that the slug cannot be larger than settings.ZDS_APP[‘content’][‘max_slug_size’], due to maximum file size limitation.

Paramètres:title – title from which the slug is generated (with slugify())
Retourne:the unique slug
Type retourné:str

Check that the given path represent the full path of a child of this container.

Paramètres:child_path – the full path (/maincontainer/subc1/subc2/childslug) we want to check
Retourne:True if child is found, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Note : this function rely on the fact that the children can only be of one type.

Retourne:True if the container has extract as children, False otherwise.
Type retourné:bool

Note : this function rely on the fact that the children can only be of one type.

Retourne:True if the container has containers as children, False otherwise.
Type retourné:bool

determin if this container is a part (i.e a first level container or container with extract when we are in midsize tutorial :return:

Retourne:a long slug that embed slugs of parents
Type retourné:str
move_child_after(child_slug, refer_slug)

Change the child’s ordering by moving the child to be below the reference child. This method does not automaticaly update the repo

  • child_slug – the child’s slug
  • refer_slug – the referent child’s slug.

ValueError – if one slug does not refer to an existing child

move_child_before(child_slug, refer_slug)

Change the child’s ordering by moving the child to be just above the reference child. . This method does not automaticaly update the repo

  • child_slug – the child’s slug
  • refer_slug – the referent child’s slug.

ValueError – if one slug does not refer to an existing child


Change the child’s ordering by moving down the child whose slug equals child_slug. This method does not automaticaly update the repo


child_slug – the child’s slug

  • ValueError – if the slug does not refer to an existing child
  • IndexError – if the extract is already the last child

Change the child’s ordering by moving up the child whose slug equals child_slug. This method does not automaticaly update the repo


child_slug – the child’s slug

  • ValueError – if the slug does not refer to an existing child
  • IndexError – if the extract is already the first child
repo_add_container(title, introduction, conclusion, commit_message='', do_commit=True, slug=None)
  • title – title of the new container
  • introduction – text of its introduction
  • conclusion – text of its conclusion
  • commit_message – commit message that will be used instead of the default one
  • do_commit – perform the commit in repository if True

commit sha

Type retourné:


repo_add_extract(title, text, commit_message='', do_commit=True, slug=None)
  • title – title of the new extract
  • text – text of the new extract
  • commit_message – commit message that will be used instead of the default one
  • do_commit – perform the commit in repository if True
  • generate_slug – indicates that is must generate slug

commit sha

Type retourné:


repo_delete(commit_message='', do_commit=True)
  • commit_message – commit message used instead of default one if provided
  • do_commit – tells if we have to commit the change now or let the outter program do it

commit sha

Type retourné:


repo_update(title, introduction, conclusion, commit_message='', do_commit=True, update_slug=True)

Update the container information and commit them into the repository

  • title – the new title
  • introduction – the new introduction text
  • conclusion – the new conclusion text
  • commit_message – commit message that will be used instead of the default one
  • do_commit – perform the commit in repository if True

commit sha

Type retourné:



Check if content required a validation before publication. Used to check if JsFiddle is available too.

Retourne:Whether validation is required before publication.
Type retourné:bool
Retourne:Top container (for which parent is None)
Type retourné:VersionedContent

Traverse the container

Paramètres:only_container – if we only want container’s paths, not extract
Retourne:a generator that traverse all the container recursively (depth traversal)
Type retourné:collections.Iterable[Container|Extract]

Update the path for introduction and conclusion for the container and all its children. If the children is an extract, update the path to the text instead. This function is useful when self.slug has changed. Note : this function does not account for a different arrangement of the files.

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_versioned.Extract(title, slug='', container=None, position_in_parent=1)

A content extract from a Container.

It has a title, a position in the parent container and a text.


Compute an MD5 hash from the text, for comparison purpose

Retourne:MD5 hash of the text
Type retourné:str

Find the url that point to the offline version of this extract

Retourne:the url to access the tutorial offline
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the url to access the tutorial when in beta
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the url to access the tutorial when online
Type retourné:str
Retourne:url to delete the extract
Type retourné:str
Retourne:url to edit the extract
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the first_level_slug, if (and only) the parent container is a chapter
Type retourné:str

get the slug of curent extract with its full path (part1/chapter1/slug_of_extract) this method is an alias to extract.get_path(True)[:-3] (remove .md extension) :rtype: str


Get the physical path to the draft version of the extract. :param relative: if True, the path will be relative, absolute otherwise. :return: physical path :rtype: str

Retourne:versioned text
Type retourné:str

Represent the depth where this exrtact is found Tree depth is no more than 3, because there is 3 levels for Containers +1 for extract :

  • PublishableContent (0),
  • Part (1),
  • Chapter (2)

Note that ‘max_tree_depth is 2 to ensure that there is no more than 3 levels

Retourne:Tree depth
Type retourné:int
repo_delete(commit_message='', do_commit=True)
  • commit_message – commit message used instead of default one if provided
  • do_commit – tells if we have to commit the change now or let the outter program do it

commit sha, None if no commit is done

Type retourné:


repo_update(title, text, commit_message='', do_commit=True)
  • title – new title of the extract
  • text – new text of the extract
  • commit_message – commit message that will be used instead of the default one

commit sha

Type retourné:


exception zds.tutorialv2.models.models_versioned.NotAPublicVersion(*args, **kwargs)

Exception raised when a given version is not a public version as it should be

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_versioned.PublicContent(current_version, _type, title, slug)

This is the public version of a VersionedContent, created from public repository

class zds.tutorialv2.models.models_versioned.VersionedContent(current_version, _type, title, slug, slug_repository='')

This class is used to handle a specific version of a tutorial.tutorial

It is created from the ‘manifest.json’ file, and could dump information in it.

For simplicity, it also contains DB information (but cannot modified them!), filled at the creation.

change_child_directory(child, adoptive_parent)

Move an element of this content to a new location. This method changes the repository index and stage every change but does not commit.

  • child – the child we want to move, can be either an Extract or a Container object
  • adoptive_parent – the container where the child will be moved, must be a Container object

Commit change made to the repository

Paramètres:commit_message – The message that will appear in content history
Retourne:commit sha
Type retourné:str

Write the JSON into file

Paramètres:path – path to the file. If None, write in ‘manifest.json’
Retourne:the url to access the tutorial when in beta
Type retourné:str
Retourne:the url to access the content when online
Type retourné:str
Retourne:raw JSON file
Type retourné:str
Retourne:a list of chapters (Container which contains Extracts) in the reading order
Type retourné:list[Container]
get_path(relative=False, use_current_slug=False)

Get the physical path to the draft version of the Content.

  • relative – if True, the path will be relative, absolute otherwise.
  • use_current_slug – if True, use self.slug instead of self.slug_last_draft

physical path

Type retourné:



Get the physical path to the public version of the content. If it has extract (so, if its a mini-tutorial or an article), return the HTML file.

Paramètres:relative – return the relative path instead of the absolute one
Retourne:physical path
Type retourné:str
repo_update_top_container(title, slug, introduction, conclusion, commit_message='', do_commit=True)

Update the top container information and commit them into the repository. Note that this is slightly different from the repo_update() function, because slug is generated using DB

  • title – the new title
  • slug – the new slug, according to title (choose using DB!!)
  • introduction – the new introduction text
  • conclusion – the new conclusion text
  • commit_message – commit message that will be used instead of the default one
  • do_commit – if True, also commit change

commit sha

Type retourné:



Create a internationalized string with the human readable type of this content e.g The Article

Retourne:internationalized string
Type retourné:str

Les managers (managers.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.managers.PublishableContentManager


this one uses a raw subquery for historical reasons. It will hopefully be replaced one day by an ORM primitive.
Retourne:list of last articles expanded with ‘count_note’ property that prefetches number of comments
Type retourné:list

This depends on settings.ZDS_APP[‘opinions’][‘home_number’] parameter.

Retourne:list of last opinions
Type retourné:list

get list of last published tutorial

Paramètres:number – number of tutorial you want. By default it is interpreted as settings.ZDS_APP['tutorial']['home_number']
Retourne:list of last published content
Type retourné:list
transfer_paternity(unregistered_user, replacement_author, gallery_class)

Erases or transfers the paternity of all publishable content owned by a user. If a content has more than one author, the unregistering author simply leaves its author list, otherwise their published content are sent to replacement_author, unpublished content are deleted and their beta topics closed.

  • unregistered_user – the user to be unregistered
  • replacement_author – the new author
  • gallery_class – the class to link tutorial with gallery (perhaps overkill :p)

Vues (views/)

Contenus (views/views_contents.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.ActivateJSFiddleInContent(**kwargs)

Handles changes a validator or staff member can do on the js fiddle support of the provided content Only these users can do it


Change the js fiddle support of content and redirect to the view page

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.ContentsWithHelps(**kwargs)

List all tutorial that needs help, i.e registered as needing at least one HelpWriting or is in beta for more documentation, have a look to ZEP 03 specification (fr)


Add all HelpWriting objects registered to the context so that the template can use it


get only tutorial that need help and handle filtering if asked

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.CreateContent(**kwargs)

Handle content creation. Since v22 a licence must be explicitly selected instead of defaulting to “All rights reserved”. Users can however set a default licence in their profile.


alias de PublishableContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.CreateContentFromArchive(**kwargs)

Create a content using an archive

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DisplayBetaContainer(**kwargs)

View to get the beta version of a container


rewritten to ensure that the version is set to beta, raise Http404 if there is no such version

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DisplayBetaContent(**kwargs)

View to get the beta version of a content


rewritten to ensure that the version is set to beta, raise Http404 if there is no such version

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DisplayContainer(**kwargs)

Base class that can show any content in any state


Show the given tutorial if exists.


alias de PublishableContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DisplayContent(**kwargs)

Base class that can show any content in any state


get all the auxiliary forms about validation, js fiddle...


alias de PublishableContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DisplayDiff(**kwargs)

Display the difference between two versions of a content. The left version is given in a GET query parameter named from, the right one with to. This class has no reason to be adapted to any content type.


alias de PublishableContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DisplayHistory(**kwargs)

Display the whole modification history. This class has no reason to be adapted to any content type.


alias de PublishableContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.DownloadContent(**kwargs)

Download a zip archive with all the content of the repository directory


get the zip file stream

Retourne:a zip file
Type retourné:byte
static insert_into_zip(zip_file, git_tree)

Recursively add file into zip

  • zip_file – a zipfile object (with writing permissions)
  • git_tree – Git tree (from repository.commit(sha).tree)
class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.ManageBetaContent(**kwargs)

Depending of the value of self.action, this class will behave differently; - if ‘set’, it will active (of update) the beta - if ‘inactive’, it will inactive the beta on the tutorial


alias de PublishableContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.RedirectOldBetaTuto(**kwargs)

allows to redirect /tutoriels/beta/old_pk/slug to /contenus/beta/new_pk/slug

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_contents.UpdateContentWithArchive(**kwargs)

Update a content using an archive

static extract_content_from_zip(zip_archive)

Check if the data in the zip file are coherent

Paramètres:zip_archive (zipfile.ZipFile) – the zip archive to analyze
Lève:BadArchiveError – if something is wrong in the archive
Retourne:the content in the archive
Type retourné:VersionedContent
static update_from_new_version_in_zip(copy_to, copy_from, zip_file)

Copy the information from new_container into copy_to. This function correct path for file if necessary


callback function for the transformation of image:xxx to the right path in gallery

  • group (re.MatchObject) – matching object
  • translation_dic (dict) – image to link into gallery dictionary

updated link

Type retourné:


static use_images_from_archive(request, zip_file, versioned_content, gallery)

Extract image from a gallery and then translate the ![.+](prefix:filename) into the final image we want. The prefix is defined into the settings. Note that this function does not perform any commit.

static walk_container(container)

Iterator that yield each file path in a Container

Paramètres:container (Container) – the container
Type retourné:collections.Iterable[str]
static walk_content(versioned)

Iterator that yield each files in a VersionedContent

Paramètres:versioned (VersionedContent) – the content
Type retourné:collections.Iterable[str]

Validations (views/views_validations.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.AcceptValidation(**kwargs)

Publish the content

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.AskValidationForContent(**kwargs)

User ask validation for his tutorial. Staff member can also to that

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.CancelValidation(**kwargs)

The user or an admin cancel the validation process

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.DoNotPickOpinion(**kwargs)


class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.PickOpinion(**kwargs)

Approve and Add the opinion in the picked list

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.PromoteOpinionToArticle(**kwargs)

Promote an opinion to article. this duplicates the opinion and declares the clone as an article.

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.PublishOpinion(**kwargs)

Publish the content (only content without preliminary validation)


alias de PublicationForm

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.RejectValidation(**kwargs)

Reject the publication

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.ReserveValidation(**kwargs)

Reserve or remove the reservation on a content

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.RevokePickOperation(**kwargs)

Cancels a moderation operation. If operation was REMOVE_PUB, it just marks it as canceled, it does not republish the opinion.

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.RevokeValidation(**kwargs)

Unpublish a content and reverse the situation back to a pending validation

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.UnpickOpinion(**kwargs)

Remove opinion from the picked list

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.UnpublishOpinion(**kwargs)

Unpublish an opinion

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.ValidationListView(**kwargs)

List the validations, with possibilities of filters

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_validations.ValidationOpinionListView(**kwargs)

List the validations, with possibilities of filters

Contenus publiés (views/views_published.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.DisplayOnlineArticle(**kwargs)

Displays the list of published articles

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.DisplayOnlineContainer(**kwargs)

Base class that can show any content in any state

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.DisplayOnlineContent(**kwargs)

Base class that can show any online content


Show the given tutorial if exists.


alias de PublishedContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.DisplayOnlineOpinion(**kwargs)

Displays the list of published articles

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.DisplayOnlineTutorial(**kwargs)

Displays the list of published tutorials

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.DownloadOnlineContent(**kwargs)

Views that allow users to download ‘extra contents’ of the public version

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.ListOnlineContents(**kwargs)

Displays the list of published contents


Filter the contents to obtain the list of contents of given type. If category parameter is provided, only contents which have this category will be listed. :return: list of contents with the right type :rtype: list of zds.tutorialv2.models.models_database.PublishedContent

class zds.tutorialv2.views.views_published.ListOpinions(**kwargs)

Displays the list of published opinions

Mixins (mixins.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.ContentTypeMixin

This class deals with the type of contents and fill context according to that

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.DownloadViewMixin(**kwargs)

Basic View to return a file to download

(inspired from https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2549/ and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16286666/send-a-file-through-django-class-based-views)

You just need to override get_contents() to make it works

get(context, **response_kwargs)

Access to a file with only get method then write the file content in response stream. Properly sets Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.ModalFormView(**kwargs)

If self.modal_form is set True, this class will ensure that the redirection is made to the previous page if an error appear


If self.modal_form is set True, this function is rewritten to send back to the previous page with an error message, instead of using the form template which is normally provided.

The redirection is made to form.previous_page_url, if exists, content:view otherwise.

exception zds.tutorialv2.mixins.MustRedirect(*args, **kwargs)

Exception raised when this is not the last version of the content which is called

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.NoValidationBeforeFormViewMixin(**kwargs)

Ensure the content do not require validation before publication.

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleContentDetailViewMixin(**kwargs)

This enhanced DetailView ensure,

  • by rewriting get(), that:
    • self.object contains the result of get_object() (as it must be if get() is not rewritten)
    • self.sha is set according to self.request.GET[‘version’] (if any) and self.object.sha_draft otherwise
    • self.versioned_object contains the results of get_versioned_object()
  • by surcharging get_context_data(), that
    • context[‘content’] contains self.versioned_object
    • context[‘can_edit’] is set
    • context[‘version’] is set (if different from self.object.sha_draft)
    • context[‘beta_topic’] is set (if any)
class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleContentDownloadViewMixin(**kwargs)

Ensure, by rewritring get(), that - self.object contains the result of get_object() (as it must be if get() is not rewritten) - self.sha is set according to self.request.GET[‘version’] (if any) and self.object.sha_draft otherwise - self.versioned_object contains the results of get_versioned_object()

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleContentFormViewMixin(**kwargs)

This enhanced FormView ensure,

  • by surcharging dispatch(), that:
    • self.object contains the result of get_object() (as for DetailView)
    • self.versioned_object contains the results of get_versioned_object()
  • by surcharging get_context_data(), that
    • context[‘content’] contains self.versioned_object
class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleContentPostMixin

Base mixin used to get content from post query

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleContentViewMixin

Base mixin to get only one content, and its corresponding versioned content

Deals with URL resolution in the following way:

  1. In get_object():
    • Fetch the PublishableContent according to self.kwargs['pk'], self.request.GET['pk'] or self.request.POST['pk'] (one of these have to be defined). Raise Http404 if any.
    • Then, check permissions with respect to self.must_be_author and self.authorized_for_staff (and define self.is_staff and self.is_author). Raise PermissionDenied if any.
  2. In get_versioned_object():
    • Deal with sha : assume self.object.sha_draft by default, but reset according to self.request.GET['version'], if exists. Then, check self.only_draft_version and raise PermissionDenied if any
    • Fetch the VersionedContent. Due to the use of self.object.load_version_or_404(sha), raise Http404.
    • Check if its the beta or public version, and allow access if it’s the case. Raise PermissionDenied.
    • Check slug if self.kwargs['slug'] is defined. Raise Http404 if any.
  3. In get_public_object(), fetch the last published version, if any

Any redefinition of any of these two functions should take care of those points.


Get database representation of the content by its pk, then check permissions


Get the published version, if any


Gets the asked version of current content.

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleOnlineContentDetailViewMixin(**kwargs)

This enhanced DetailView ensures,

  • by rewriting get(), that:
    • self.object contains the result of get_object() (as it must be if get() was not rewritten)
    • Redirection is made if we catch MustRedirect
    • self.versioned_object contains a PublicContent object
    • self.public_content_object contains a PublishedContent object
  • by surcharging get_context_data(), that
    • context[‘content’] is set
    • context[‘is_staff’] is set
    • context[‘can_edit’] is set
    • context[‘public_object’] is set
    • context[‘isantispam’] is set
class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleOnlineContentFormViewMixin(**kwargs)

This enhanced FormView ensure,

  • by surcharging dispatch(), that:
    • self.public_content_object contains a PublishedContent object
    • self.object contains the result of get_object() (as for DetailView)
    • self.versioned_object contains the results of get_versioned_object()
  • by surcharging get_context_data(), that
    • context[‘content’] is set
    • context[‘public_object’] is set

Note: does not catch MustRedirect, so you should not use a slug with POST request

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.SingleOnlineContentViewMixin

Base mixin to get only one content online content

Deals with URL resolution in the following way:

  1. In get_object():
    • Fetch the PublicContent according to self.kwargs['pk'], self.request.GET['pk'] or self.request.POST['pk'] 0(one of these have to be defined). Raise Http404 if any.
    • Check if self.current_content_type if defined, and use it if it’s the case
    • Check if slug is defined, also check object it if it’s the case
    • Then, define self.is_staff and self.is_author.
  2. In get_versioned_object(): Fetch the VersionedContent. Due to the use of
    self.public_content_object.load_public_version_or_404(), raise Http404 if any.

Any redefinition of any of these two functions should take care of those points.


Return the most recent url, based on the current public version

class zds.tutorialv2.mixins.ValidationBeforeViewMixin(**kwargs)

Ensure the content require validation before publication.

Les forumulaires (forms.py)

class zds.tutorialv2.forms.PublicationForm(content, *args, **kwargs)

The publication form (used only for content without preliminary validation).

Les utilitaires (utils.py)

exception zds.tutorialv2.utils.BadArchiveError(reason)

The exception that is raised when a bad archive is sent

exception zds.tutorialv2.utils.BadManifestError(*args, **kwargs)

The exception that is raised when the manifest.json contains errors

exception zds.tutorialv2.utils.InvalidSlugError(*args, **kwargs)

Error raised when a slug is invalid. Argument is the slug that cause the error.

source can also be provided, being the sentence from witch the slug was generated, if any. had_source is set to True if the source is provided.

exception zds.tutorialv2.utils.TooDeepContainerError(*args, **kwargs)

Exception used to represent the fact you can’t add a container to a level greater than two


check all keys are string appart from the children key :param dict_representation: the json decoded dictionary :type dict_representation: dict :return: :rtype: bool


If the title is incorrect (only special chars so slug is empty).

Paramètres:slug (str) – slug to test
Retourne:True if slug is valid, false otherwise
Type retourné:bool
zds.tutorialv2.utils.clone_repo(old_path, new_path)

Proxy to git clone command. Ensure directory are properly created

  • old_path – path of the repo to be cloned
  • new_path – path of the target repo

the target repository encapsulated in a GitPython object.

Type retourné:



initialize a slug pool with all forbidden name. basically introduction and conclusion

Retourne:the forbidden slugs in the edition system
Type retourné:dict

Export a container to a dictionary

Paramètres:container – the container
Retourne:dictionary containing the information
Type retourné:dict

Export a content to dictionary in order to store them in a JSON file

Paramètres:content – content to be exported
Retourne:dictionary containing the information
Type retourné:dict

Export an extract to a dictionary

Paramètres:extract – extract to export
Retourne:dictionary containing the information
Type retourné:dict
zds.tutorialv2.utils.fill_containers_from_json(json_sub, parent)

Function which call itself to fill container

  • json_sub – dictionary from ‘manifest.json’
  • parent – the container to fill
  • BadManifestError – if the manifest is not well formed or the content’s type is not correct
  • KeyError – if one mandatory key is missing
zds.tutorialv2.utils.get_blob(tree, path)

Return the data contained into a given file

  • tree (git.objects.tree.Tree) – Git Tree object
  • path (str) – Path to file


Type retourné:



get a dictionary that represent the commit author with author and comitter key. If there is no users, bot account pk is used.

Retourne:correctly formatted commit author for repo.index.commit()
Type retourné:dict
zds.tutorialv2.utils.get_content_from_json(json, sha, slug_last_draft, public=False, max_title_len=80)

Transform the JSON formated data into VersionedContent

  • json – JSON data from a manifest.json file
  • sha – version
  • slug_last_draft – the slug for draft marked version
  • max_title_len – max str length for title
  • public – the function will fill a PublicContent instead of a VersionedContent if True

a Public/VersionedContent with all the information retrieved from JSON

Type retourné:


zds.tutorialv2.utils.get_target_tagged_tree(movable_child, root)

Gets the tagged tree with deplacement availability

  • movable_child – the extract we want to move
  • root – the VersionnedContent we use as root
Type retourné:



an array of tuples that represent the capacity of movable_child to be moved near another child check get_target_tagged_tree_for_extract and get_target_tagged_tree_for_container for format

zds.tutorialv2.utils.get_target_tagged_tree_for_container(movable_child, root, bias=-1)

Gets the tagged tree with displacement availability when movable_child is an extract

  • movable_child – the container we want to move
  • root – the VersionnedContent we use as root
  • bias – a negative or zero integer that represent the level bias. A value of -1 (default) represent the fact that we want to make the movable_child a sibling of the tagged child, a value of 0 that we want to make it a sub child.
Type retourné:



an array of tuples that represent the capacity of movable_child to be moved near another child extracts are not included

zds.tutorialv2.utils.get_target_tagged_tree_for_extract(movable_child, root)

Gets the tagged tree with displacement availability when movable_child is an extract

  • movable_child – the extract we want to move
  • root – the VersionnedContent we use as root
Type retourné:



an array of tuples that represent the capacity of movable_child to be moved near another child tuples are (relative_path, title, level, can_be_a_target)

zds.tutorialv2.utils.init_new_repo(db_object, introduction_text, conclusion_text, commit_message='', do_commit=True)

Create a new repository in settings.ZDS_APP['contents']['private_repo'] to store the files for a new content. Note that db_object.sha_draft will be set to the good value

  • db_objectPublishableContent (WARNING: should have a valid slug, so previously saved)
  • introduction_text – introduction from form
  • conclusion_text – conclusion from form
  • commit_message – set a commit message instead of the default one
  • do_commit – perform commit if True

VersionedContent object

Type retourné:


zds.tutorialv2.utils.mark_read(content, user=None)

Mark the last tutorial note as read for the user.

  • content – the content to mark
  • user – user that read the content, if None will use currrent user
zds.tutorialv2.utils.never_read(content, user=None)

Check if a content note feed has been read by an user since its last post was added.


True if the user never read this content’s reactions, False otherwise

Type retourné:



modify the SVG XML tree in order to resize the URL, to fit the maximum size allowed

Paramètres:source (str) – content (not parsed) of the SVG file

Find every image links and update them with update_image_link().

  • md_text (str) – markdown text
  • directory (str) – place where all image will be stored

the markdown with the good links

Type retourné:


zds.tutorialv2.utils.retrieve_image(url, directory)

For a given image, retrieve it, transform it into PNG (if needed) and store it

  • url (str) – URL of the image (either local or online)
  • directory (str) – place where the image will be stored

the ‘transformed’ path to the image

Type retourné:


For each image link, update it (if possible)

  • group (re.MatchObject) – matching object
  • previous_urls (dict) – dictionary containing the previous urls and the transformed ones (in order to avoid treating the same image two times !)
  • directory (str) – place where all image will be stored

updated link

Type retourné:


zds.tutorialv2.utils.search_container_or_404(base_content, kwargs_array)
  • base_content – the base Publishable content we will use to retrieve the container
  • kwargs_array – an array that may contain parent_container_slug and container_slug keys or the string representation

the Container object we were searching for

Type retourné:



Http404 – if no suitable container is found

zds.tutorialv2.utils.search_extract_or_404(base_content, kwargs_array)
  • base_content – the base Publishable content we will use to retrieve the container
  • kwargs_array – an array that may contain parent_container_slug and container_slug and MUST contains extract_slug

the Extract object

Type retourné:



Http404 if not found

zds.tutorialv2.utils.slugify_raise_on_invalid(title, use_old_slugify=False)

use uuslug to generate a slug but if the title is incorrect (only special chars or slug is empty), an exception is raised.

  • title (str) – to be slugified title
  • use_old_slugify (bool) – use the function slugify() defined in zds.utils instead of the one in uuslug. Usefull for retro-compatibility with the old article/tutorial module, SHOULD NOT be used for the new one !

InvalidSlugError – on incorrect slug


the slugified title

Type retourné:


zds.tutorialv2.utils.try_adopt_new_child(adoptive_parent, child)

Try the adoptive parent to take the responsability of the child :param adoptive_parent: the new parent for child if all check pass :param child: content child to be moved :raise Http404: if adoptive_parent_full_path is not found on root hierarchy :raise TypeError: if the adoptive parent is not allowed to adopt the child due to its type :raise TooDeepContainerError: if the child is a container that is too deep to be adopted by the proposed parent

Les utilitaires de publication (publication_utils.py)

exception zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.FailureDuringPublication(*args, **kwargs)

Exception raised if something goes wrong during publication process

class zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.PandocPublicator(pandoc_loc, _format, pandoc_pdf_param=None)

Wrapper arround pandoc commands

publish(md_file_path, base_name, change_dir='.', pandoc_debug_str='', **kwargs)
  • md_file_path – base markdown file path
  • base_name – file name without extension
  • change_dir – directory in wich pandoc commands will be executed
  • pandoc_debug_str – end of command to allow debugging
  • kwargs – othe publicator dependant options ignored by this one

class zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.Publicator

Publicator base object, all methods must be overridden

publish(md_file_path, base_name, **kwargs)

called function to generate a content export

  • md_file_path – base markdown file path
  • base_name – file name without extension
  • kwargs – other publicator dependant options
class zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.PublicatorRegistery

Register all publicator as a ‘human-readable name/publicator’ instance key/value list

classmethod get(name)

get publicator with required name.

Retourne:the wanted publicator
Type retourné:Publicator
Lève:KeyError – if name is not registered
classmethod get_all_registered(exclude=None)
exclude: A list of excluded publicator


classmethod unregister(name)

Remove Publicator registered at name if exists, run silently otherwise.

Paramètres:name – publicator name.
class zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.WatchdogFilePublicator(watched_dir)

Just create a meta data file for watchdog

zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.generate_exernal_content(base_name, extra_contents_path, md_file_path, pandoc_debug_str, overload_settings=False)

generate all static file that allow offline access to content

  • base_name – base nae of file (without extension)
  • extra_contents_path – internal directory where all files will be pushed
  • md_file_path – bundled markdown file path
  • pandoc_debug_strspecific to pandoc publication : avoid subprocess to be errored
  • overload_settings – this option force the function to generate all registered formats even when settings ask for PDF not to be published


Create the zip archive extra content from the published content

Paramètres:published_content – a PublishedContent object
zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.publish_container(db_object, base_dir, container)

‘Publish’ a given container, in a recursive way

  • db_object (PublishableContent) – database representation of the content
  • base_dir (str) – directory of the top container
  • container (Container) – a given container

FailureDuringPublication – if anything goes wrong

zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.publish_content(db_object, versioned, is_major_update=True)

Publish a given content.


create a manifest.json without the introduction and conclusion if not needed. Also remove the ‘text’ field of extracts.

  • db_object (PublishableContent) – Database representation of the content
  • versioned (VersionedContent) – version of the content to publish
  • is_major_update (bool) – if set to True, will update the publication date

FailureDuringPublication – if something goes wrong


the published representation

Type retourné:


zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils.unpublish_content(db_object, moderator=None)

Remove the given content from the public view.


This will send content_unpublished event.

Paramètres:db_object (PublishableContent) – Database representation of the content
Retourne:True if unpublished, False otherwise
Type retourné:bool

Les receveurs d’évènement bdd (receivers.py)

zds.tutorialv2.receivers.cleanup_validation_alerts(sender, instance, **kwargs)

When opinions are unpublished (probably permanently), we must be sure all alerts are handled. For now we just resolve them.

  • sender – sender class
  • instance – object instance
  • kwargs – possibily moderator